GRADING: Effort 70 points Paper 30 points [Late paper -5 points]
EXCEPTIONAL Work - A 93 Or More Points, A- 90-92 ABOVE Average Work - B+ 87-89, B 83-86 B- 80-82 AVERAGE Work - C+ 77-79, C 73-76, C-70-72 Passing Work - D+ 67-69, D 63-66 D- 60-62 Fail - F 59 or Less Points There are 4 excused [or unexcused] absences, you do not have to show proof. Each additional absence, with or without an excuse, will lower ----grade one step, e.g.: A to A-, or b+ to B etc. Points lost through tardiness [Regardless of Excuse] Absences: First = 0, , Each Additional = 4 Tardiness: [Lateness, Improper Attire] First = 0, Each Additional = 2 Late paper: = 5 N.B. If you arrive after attendance has been called, it is important to notify the teacher at the end of class to avoid being marked absent. |
Starting out gradually will help insure your success in maintaining consistancy.
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