The popularity of the science of Yoga has increased immensely in the United States since the early 1960’s, with several branches and interpretations available in this country. A variety of links to other sites for you to visit are provided. The main reason this class, taught at Otterbein University, was constructed was to provide students with a method of stress management and body-mind awareness.
Yoga is sometimes described as a religion mostly by Hindus. However others claim it existed long before Hinduism and although practiced spiritually, is thought of as a psychology. The emphasis throughout this practice is to keep the mind focused on positive thought.
Yoga is sometimes described as a religion mostly by Hindus. However others claim it existed long before Hinduism and although practiced spiritually, is thought of as a psychology. The emphasis throughout this practice is to keep the mind focused on positive thought.
This course was constructed to introduce you to the science and philosophy of Hatha* Yoga and Yoga Nidra** providing you with an understanding of basic yoga exercise: asanas [postures] and meditation [through guided visualization], as a means of stress management for self practice. Although the focus of this course is primarily on stress reduction and self awareness it also touches on a variety of styles to enable you to discover a way most suitable for your body-mind well-being.
*Ha = Sun, Tha = Moon, comparable to the Chinese symbol of Yin-Yang
**Yoga Nidra [Yoga sleep]: Deep physical relaxation through guided visualizations while mentally awake.
INSTRUCTIONS: PRACTICE regularly outside of class. Approach the exercises slowly, with concentration on your movements and breathing. BREATHING: Circular breathing: The inhale and exhale are the same length. one tapers into the other. Keep your breath even except where otherwise specified.
STRETCHING: Gradually increase your range of motion but avoid strain. FOCUS on positive images: Positive thought produces positive chemicals to the cells of the body. Stay present through the postures and movements, noticing the sensations and limitations without judgment. Although you may experience immediate positive results, your patience and calmness over time will gradually bring the most satisfying and lasting results.
PAPER: In order to receive maximum benefits, it is necessary for this course to be both academic and experiential. Visit the Yoga links and two others of your choice [or a book you have read] and Submit a paper [500 word minimum. Less than 500 words: MINUS 30 POINTS] by email on 6th week for the [Tues/Thur class, and by the 10th week for the [Mon/Wed or Wed/Fri class]. Log onto the links [below] and one or two more of your own choosing. Include your impressions of what you have read, cite differences in the sites you visit, and compare what you learn in your reading, the home page [], of this site. and with what you are learning in this class.
DRESS: Wear warm clothing. Your body temperature will lower, especially during the guided visualization. Your clothing should be loose to allow freedom of movement. No jeans!
GRADING: Effort 70 points, paper submitted as text email 30 points, as email attachment or as a hard copy 25 points
EXCEPTIONAL Work - A 93 or more points A- 90-92
ABOVE Average Work - B+ 87-89, B 83-86 B- 80-82
AVERAGE Work - C+ 77-79, C 73-76, C-70-72
Passing Work - D+ 67-69, D 63-66 D- 60-62
Failing - F 59-or less points
There are 5 excused absences or tardies [lateness], Each additional absence or tardiness will lower your grade one step, e.g.: A to A-, or B+ to B etc. Late paper: 5 lost points. Failure to submit paper: 30 lost points
N.B: If you arrive after attendance has been called, it is important to remind the teacher at the end of class to avoid being marked absent.
email: [email protected] alternate email: [email protected]
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